These fine clubs are located in the Northeast Georgia area or in nearby areas of North and South Carolina. Since they are not members of the Northeast Georgia Federation. There is a fee for admission to all these club's dances.
ANDERSON PACESETTERS Dance program: Plus, with Rounds on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays, Lines on 2nd and 4th Caller: Stan Russell; Cuers: Robert Bearden on 1st, Matthew Temples on 3rd and 5th Mondays; Admission: $5 Woodmen of the World Building, 102 Northwest Drive, Anderson, SC Contact: 864-886-8098, 864-332-8158, 864-287-9099
FRIDAYS - First, Third and Fifth
HIGH MOUNTAIN SQUARES 6:15 Workshop, 6:45 Dance program: Mainstream and Plus;  Guest Callers; Admission: ??$ Macon County Community Building, 1288 Georgia Road (441 South), Franklin NC Beginning November 3rd 2017 Contact: 828-342-1560 or 828-332-0001
FRIDAYS - Second and Fourth
PAWS & TAWS SQUARE DANCE CLUB Dance program: Mainstream, Plus, Rounds; Time: 7:00 Early Rounds, 7:30 Dance Co-Club Callers: Tony Simmons & Joe Arnold; Cuer: Tom Bunn and Kristine Nelson; Admission: $7 Senior Solutions Building, 101 Perry Ave., Seneca, SC Contact:
Please Note! If there are missing items or corrections needed in your club's listing, please email them to