The Northeast Georgia Federation of Square Dancers (NEGF) was organized in about 1968 by three clubs – HAPPY SQUARES, Athens; JEFFERSON SQUARE DANCE CLUB, Jefferson; and LAKESHORE SQUARES, Gainesville. Since that time, NEGF has grown with the spread of square dancing in the area and there are numerous clubs in our region.

2024 Federation Dance August 31 |
Highest Club Attendance Winner – Jug Tavern
2024 Federation Dance August 31 |
Highest Club Percentage Attendance Winner – Classic City

When you join a club that is a member of the NEGF, you are automatically a member of the Federation. There are no NEGF dues to either member clubs or individual dancers.
All financial support to operate the Federation is derived from door charges at Federation dances, which are held in various locations typically on fifth Saturdays. Callers from inside and outside the Federation give dancers an opportunity to dance to a variety of outstanding callers.
The Federation also serves as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas about growing and strengthening our dance community for the greater enjoyment of all.
The Federation is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of representatives from each of the clubs, the Federation officers and the immediate past President. Each club has one vote. Georgia State Square Dance Association (GSSDA) representatives to the Northeast Georgia Federation are non-voting members of the Executive Committee.
Northeast Georgia Federation Board Meetings
As per the NEGF Standing Rules: The NEGF President will select the location of the Executive Committee meetings which will be held the first Sunday of February, May, August and November. Should the first Sunday fall on a holiday weekend the Executive Committee can elect to hold the meeting on another day.
Location: Zoom Meeting – attendees will be notified via email of connection details and agenda